Do you need assistance understanding IR35? Are you unsure if you are affected? This IR35 for beginners infographic may help.Infographic: IR35 for beginnersIf you have any questions or concerns about your IR35 status then please do connect with us on 01252 863700 or email are one of the UK’s leading providers of compliant payroll services to contractors, temporary agencies and small businesses. Our bespoke systems utilise the latest software and link directly … [Read more...]
Effects of the Payroll working rule on education sites and employment agencies in the public sector research study 2017
The HMRC ahead of the 2021 IR35 roll-out, republished two 2017 research studies that investigated the effects of the payroll working rule in the public sector on education sites and employment agencies. In 2021 the HMRC commissioned IFF Research and Frontier Economics to gather evidence of longer-term effects of the off-payroll working reform implemented in the public sector in 2017. Findings for both reports combined were gathered from 51 quantitative and 40 qualitative interviews. … [Read more...]
A fair warning to IR35 non-compliers
The HMRC in a briefing issued last month announced how it will support IR35 affected organisations and intervene if 'deliberate defaulters' don’t comply. With the deadline April, 6th 2021 fast approaching the HMRC have issued a briefing, available on GOV.UK on how it will support affected organisations with IR35 reform changes. The HMRC also stated how they will intervene if IR35 non-compliers deliberately do not adhere to changes. Are you prepared? IR35 changes apply tomedium … [Read more...]
Know your IR35 status
Does your payroll include self-employed workers, contractors or consultants? A small piece of legislation is set to have a large impact on businesses. Understanding your IR35 status may save you from back paying unpaid tax. From the 6th April, 2021, all public authorities and medium to large sized businesses will be responsible for deciding the employment status of workers. Failure to comply could result in hefty workers tax and National Insurance shortfalls becoming the employer’s … [Read more...]
IR35 Case Study
Among other things, you’ll find that you’re not the first one who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behaviour. J D Salinger.IR35 came into effect in 2000. Before the days of IR35, the most common way of operating as a contractor was as a self-employed individual. In the late 1980’s, HMRC introduced a new rule making any recruitment company engaging in self-employed workers, liable for any unpaid Tax if they failed to deduct full PAYE prior to payment to the … [Read more...]
Your IR35 Time Is Almost Up
With many still thinking IR35 will be delayed on ‘Tax Day’ the 23rd March, reports show no signs of IR35 being a topic of conversation. Tax Day is for the Government to publish tax consultations as part of their 10 year administration strategy, to create a tax system fit for the 21st Century.Part of these consultations will include false CJRS claims, which HMRC have already written to 27,000 claimants where there is a high risk that what they have claimed is incorrect. The action and … [Read more...]
The IR35 Facts & Myths
Following the budget announcement, I think I speak on behalf of the entire population; it is a lot to digest and understand. With that said, the Government have predicted that the United Kingdom will return to pre-covid levels by the middle of 2022.As we are all aware, the IR35 reform will be going ahead and those contractors operating through a limited company, deemed to fall inside of IR35, will no longer be able to do so come April 2021. We have already seen some enquiries come through … [Read more...]
IR35 reform, one month to go
With April the 6th looming, there is no room for anyone to be burying their heads in the sand! Not to worry though, here at ePayMe, our knowledgeable and dedicated team are on hand to answer any of your questions. There have been many questions and some debates surrounding the best route for your workforce to go down, once the changes have been implemented. We are sure many clients are aware outsourcing their payroll is the best option; Furlough, statutory payments, answering pay enquiries, … [Read more...]
IR35 – Key steps to a successful transition
Since the beginning of the year, we have seen an influx of enquiries and requests for support from contractors operating through their own limited companies due to the IR35 reform looming.Our key steps to success have seen a smooth transition for many contractors whom are affected by the changes to the IR35 regulations.What are these steps?Communication – our expert team have the knowledge to answer any IR35 and payroll related questions, we like to get the questions out the way to … [Read more...]
Seven steps to success
The transition from LTD to umbrellaSince the beginning of the New Year, we have seen an influx of enquiries and requests for support from contractors operating through their own limited companies due to the IR35 reform looming.Our seven steps to success have seen a smooth transition for many contractors whom are affected by the changes to the IR35 regulations.What are these steps?Communication – our expert team have the knowledge to answer any IR35 and payroll related … [Read more...]