An Umbrella Company like ePayMe, is a business that is used predominantly by Recruitment Agencies to pay temporary workers. Your umbrella company is your legal employer and will pay you PAYE. However, the work you carry out will be sourced by the Recruitment Agency on a short term and on an assignment by assignment basis.Before the Recruitment Agency can offer you an assignment, they may ask you to be employed by one of their preferred Umbrella Companies. Many Umbrella Companies are … [Read more...]
National Insurance Increase Reversal; What this means for your payroll
As the Government is committed to a low-tax, high growth economy to ensure people retain more of the money they earn and for businesses to be able to invest, grow and be productive an announcement was made, that the National Insurance Contributions increase will be reversed along with the provisionally planned Health and Social Care Levy.National Insurance rates from 6th November 2022 will be reduced, removing the 1.25% increase for the remainder of the tax year. The Health and Social … [Read more...]
HMRC ‘will resist any reversal of end-clients making decisions on IR35’
The taxman will oppose any deviation from the central tenet of IR35 reform – that engagers decide the status of their limited company contractors.Issuing this assessment, HMRC dispute firm WTT Consulting could have been trying to clue-up or warn those hoping chancellor Jeremy Hunt uses his Autmn Statement 2022 on November 17th to announce an off-payroll review.Dolan Accountancy But the firm’s Graham Webber, who specified the resistance by HMRC to removing clients as the IR35 … [Read more...]
Employment Showing Signs Of Recovery
Recent UK report on jobs by KPMG and REC indicates an improved market confidence among employers as Government outlines its roadmap for lifting lockdown. The volatile job market is showing signs of recovery following Government’s strategy to lift lockdown. According to the KPMG and Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC), UK Report on jobs there is still an upsurge of temporary billings, however, the economy is now seeing a steadfast increase in permanent job placements … [Read more...]
Future of Lockdown: UK Government Guidelines
A paper published by the House of Commons on April 2nd, 2021, outlines the rules around COVID-19 and returning to work. Here is a brief summary which outlines lockdown legislation, employer’s health and safety obligations and when workers can refuse to work.Download full report here.In late March 2020, the UK Government imposed a National lockdown in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic that swept the country. Government imposed rules that prohibited people from going to … [Read more...]
IR35 For Beginners
Do you need assistance understanding IR35? Are you unsure if you are affected? This IR35 for beginners infographic may help.Infographic: IR35 for beginnersIf you have any questions or concerns about your IR35 status then please do connect with us on 01252 863700 or email are one of the UK’s leading providers of compliant payroll services to contractors, temporary agencies and small businesses. Our bespoke systems utilise the latest software and link directly … [Read more...]
Effects of the Payroll working rule on education sites and employment agencies in the public sector research study 2017
The HMRC ahead of the 2021 IR35 roll-out, republished two 2017 research studies that investigated the effects of the payroll working rule in the public sector on education sites and employment agencies. In 2021 the HMRC commissioned IFF Research and Frontier Economics to gather evidence of longer-term effects of the off-payroll working reform implemented in the public sector in 2017. Findings for both reports combined were gathered from 51 quantitative and 40 qualitative interviews. … [Read more...]
IR35 reform, one month to go
With April the 6th looming, there is no room for anyone to be burying their heads in the sand! Not to worry though, here at ePayMe, our knowledgeable and dedicated team are on hand to answer any of your questions. There have been many questions and some debates surrounding the best route for your workforce to go down, once the changes have been implemented. We are sure many clients are aware outsourcing their payroll is the best option; Furlough, statutory payments, answering pay enquiries, … [Read more...]
IR35 – Key steps to a successful transition
Since the beginning of the year, we have seen an influx of enquiries and requests for support from contractors operating through their own limited companies due to the IR35 reform looming.Our key steps to success have seen a smooth transition for many contractors whom are affected by the changes to the IR35 regulations.What are these steps?Communication – our expert team have the knowledge to answer any IR35 and payroll related questions, we like to get the questions out the way to … [Read more...]
Off- Payroll Reforms 2020
Major reforms to off-payroll (IR35) rules within the Private Sector are scheduled to take effect from April 2020.This will mean that the responsibility will be switched from many contractors to the end client. Their IR35 status of being inside or outside will have significant affects.The rules are not exactly straight forward but it is important to understand what they will mean to your agency as well as your end clients and contractors, so that you can make an informed decision about … [Read more...]