Do you need assistance understanding IR35? Are you unsure if you are affected? This IR35 for beginners infographic may help.Infographic: IR35 for beginnersIf you have any questions or concerns about your IR35 status then please do connect with us on 01252 863700 or email are one of the UK’s leading providers of compliant payroll services to contractors, temporary agencies and small businesses. Our bespoke systems utilise the latest software and link directly … [Read more...]
Effects of the Payroll working rule on education sites and employment agencies in the public sector research study 2017
The HMRC ahead of the 2021 IR35 roll-out, republished two 2017 research studies that investigated the effects of the payroll working rule in the public sector on education sites and employment agencies. In 2021 the HMRC commissioned IFF Research and Frontier Economics to gather evidence of longer-term effects of the off-payroll working reform implemented in the public sector in 2017. Findings for both reports combined were gathered from 51 quantitative and 40 qualitative interviews. … [Read more...]
A fair warning to IR35 non-compliers
The HMRC in a briefing issued last month announced how it will support IR35 affected organisations and intervene if 'deliberate defaulters' don’t comply. With the deadline April, 6th 2021 fast approaching the HMRC have issued a briefing, available on GOV.UK on how it will support affected organisations with IR35 reform changes. The HMRC also stated how they will intervene if IR35 non-compliers deliberately do not adhere to changes. Are you prepared? IR35 changes apply tomedium … [Read more...]
Furlough – the good, the bad and the misleading
With many temporary and agency staff not being able to continue to work as usual during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen a significant number of changes within the sector from recruitment agencies not wanting to operate internal PAYE and choosing to outsource entire books of workers, to contractors choosing alternative career paths to remain in employment. It’s fair to say the pandemic has caused some questions around how payroll providers can continue to support those affected by these … [Read more...]
In the midst of a lockdown, we are sure IR35 is not a top priority for many contractors, agencies and end clients. With it rapidly looming on the horizon just 3 months away, there is no room for anyone to be burying their heads in the sand! Not to worry though, here at ePayMe, our knowledgeable and dedicated team are on hand to answer any of your questions. There have been many questions and some debates surrounding the best route for your workforce to go down, once the changes have been … [Read more...]
Feeling the rain without an umbrella?
Starting the New Year straight into another National Lockdown the last thing on anyone’s mind right now is IR35 and the legislation changes from April 2021.However, the changes are still going ahead despite the impact to business and their workforce caused by the coronavirus pandemic.Here at ePayMe we have been working closely with clients and contractors to ensure the transition from April is as streamlined as possible to prevent minimum disruption to agencies, clients and … [Read more...]
Beware of potential dangers to businesses of mini umbrella company fraud
Mini umbrella company (MUC) fraud reduces tax payments to HMRC including PAYE, National Insurance and VAT. This has resulted in a fraudulent supply chain leading to financial and reputational damage to businesses and workers.What is Mini Umbrella Company Fraud?The fraud is usually based around the abuse of two Government incentives which are aimed at small businesses – the VAT Flat Rate Scheme and the Employment Allowance. However, this type of fraud can also result in the non-payment of … [Read more...]
Tax avoidance, what’s the latest?
Back in April, we posted a blog surrounding NHS workers being targeted by tax avoidance promoters and it does not stop there.News surrounding tax avoidance schemes are still circulating outside of the NHS services. HMRC have shared information surrounding the schemes and what to look out for. Information can be found hereMost umbrella companies are compliant with tax rules. However, there are some promoters of tax avoidance schemes using comparison and broker websites, as well as direct … [Read more...]
Temporary staff numbers increase following lockdown
Availability of candidates saw a rise for the time in 20 years, reflecting redundancies announced by many companies across Britain following lockdown. It is estimated there has been over 700,000 job losses so far due to the pandemic, with numbers expected to reach over 1 million by the end of 2020.Billing from temporary hiring’s rose for the first time in 7 months. There was also a rise in billings from companies hiring permanent workers in August but the increase was worryingly small, the … [Read more...]
Up to £3.5bn furlough claims fraudulent or paid in error – HMRC
HMRC told MP’s on the Public Accounts Committee it estimates that 5-10% of furlough has been wrongly awarded, with the latest data showing the programme has cost the Government £35.4bn so far.So far, 8,000 calls have been received to HMRC’s fraud hotline.The furlough scheme had paid 80% of wages for the workers placed on leave since March due to the coronavirus outbreak.Employers are being urged to check their claims and repay any excess amount back to HMRC.As it stands HMRC are … [Read more...]