With many temporary and agency staff not being able to continue to work as usual during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen a significant number of changes within the sector from recruitment agencies not wanting to operate internal PAYE and choosing to outsource entire books of workers, to contractors choosing alternative career paths to remain in employment. It’s fair to say the pandemic has caused some questions around how payroll providers can continue to support those affected by these changes?
Many providers like ourselves worked around the clock during the first phase of lockdown to implement a new payroll system to process furlough and supported those effected. With the government’s decisions to reopen the economy and utilise a tier system before another national lockdown, furlough has been a topic of discussion since March 2020 and remains a topic of heated conversation.
We have continued to support our clients with decisions they have had to make along the way and remain in regular contact with them as we near the end of the latest lockdown (fingers cross Boris Johnson provides us with some good news on the 22nd) However, we have been made aware by a number of clients there are providers out there claiming they are processing furlough for candidates, when in actual fact it is the employees holiday pay they are issuing in replacement of furlough, yet stating they are supporting a continued furlough service. Imagine the shock when these contractors come to request funds for the Easter period to find out they have already had this money paid to them!
These smoke and mirror tactics are somewhat causing disruption to agencies and their valued workforce, however, not everything is as straightforward as it seems. Misleading communications can cause confusion and anger amongst workers, especially when they use different payroll providers and get different stories as to what they can and can-not do.
Our advice would be to agencies and contractors, to speak to your payroll provider, get the facts and make sure you’re 100% clear on the process of furlough and how it is being processed.
You can also view companies on GOV.UK who have claimed furlough if you are unsure if your provider has made a claim through the scheme by clicking here
Should you have any concerns or need a second opinion, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help, no matter what the circumstances.
Tel: 01252 863700 email: info@epayme.co.uk