Personal service companies deemed inside the public sector’s April 6th off-payroll rules risk having their entire history of contracts probed under IR35, not just those after the date.Most at risk of being investigated under IR35 retrospectively are the ‘pre-April 6th’ contracts the PSC has with the public client, who deems the rules to apply to the PSC ‘post-April 6th.’This was the assessment yesterday from three separate experts on the incoming rules; status advisory Bauer & … [Read more...]
£20,000 trainee GP offer to boost doctor recruitment
Dr Heidi Phillips said her profession faced "huge challenges" to hire and keep GPs.New cash incentives will be offered to doctors who train and work as GPs in Wales in a bid to tackle an issue with recruitment.Junior doctors will get £20,000, providing they stay for at least one year after completing their training.Those who train as GPs will also get a one-off payment of £2,000 to cover the cost of their final exams.It is part of a Welsh Government campaign to get doctors to … [Read more...]