Dear NHS workers and contractors,
We would first like to start this letter with saying thank you. Thank you for everything you have done, everything you continue to do and everything you will do as you continue to slave under the laborious and hard hours working for our National Health Service.
After reading through articles by the BBC, Independent, Daily Mail and so on it is clear that you are seriously having a hard and worrying time working where you do. This past year has thrown Brexit, IR35 changes, Jeremey Hunt’s war against junior doctors and the continuous criticisms of waiting times, lack of beds and general reports of how the service is failing.
We know it’s not your fault that there 35,000 unfilled nurses positions, or that a vast majority of the NHS workers are planning to leave for the private sector – or the country altogether! We get it. There’s so much uncertainty and doubt in the security of your job, and the problem that there aren’t enough of you for the demand on this strained, free service. We wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.
You took a job in the NHS knowing that it was never going to be easy and have still waded through the internal and external ocean of excrement every day. You have shown so much more strength and will power than any other industry, ten times more than the crooks that sit in their big fancy house making decisions for you and your job security.
When the negative start outweighing the positives, it’s only natural to want to make an escape.
Please, we beg of you, don’t leave. Without you, the NHS will crumble, and the vast majority of British people know this. They leave their political views at the door when they walk into the hospitals and appreciate the service no matter how long it takes. A large majority of the people in the UK cannot recognise life without that National Health Service, and we strongly believe it is the founding stones of what keeps the UK together… sometimes, quite literally.
We want to support you through these changes coming in and we have solutions that are as simple PAYE or are equally beneficial as working through your own limited company. We want to help you through this transition and to make it as hassle free for you as we can. Umbrella is proving that it is the best option for being paid for contracted and temporary work.
So no matter who you are or where you are from, if you have the right to work, we will pay you and on time. We will take away one of the largest challenges you are facing to date and most importantly, put a smile on your face every payday.
Keep on, keeping on.
Call us today on 01252 863 700 for a chat about how we can help you.