Following The Prime Ministers announcement regarding the further easing of lockdown, measures will need to be in place to start planning for staff to return to work.
The initial response to the pandemic was to enforce lockdown and for employees to work from home where possible. Meaning a large portion of the UK working from home. Steps had to be put in place to accommodate the changes to many businesses and ensure staff received support during lockdown to protect their wellbeing.
Many HR departments will now be putting in place return to work plans to ensure the correct measures are in place to protect staff.
Guidance stipulates to work from home where possible, however many businesses are keen to get people back to work and employers must make the workplace as safe as possible for staff, customers and anyone else who visits.
Whilst the economy is still battling through the pandemic, we recommend businesses check out the following websites for guidance of returning to work.
The government guidance for employers to follow who are reopening their businesses and bringing staff back to work
ACAS for advice for employers and employees returning to work following the pandemic
For risk assessment guidance
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