This week has seen Umbrella Companies brought back in to the limelight after Roger Mason made comments – (Managing Director of Backoffice), expressing his concerns that Umbrella Companies are unable to provide a compliant payroll service to their temporary contractors. These negative comments from Mr Mason have materialised after a ruling from Birmingham Employment Tribunal was made regarding his previous company Paymaster Ltd. who offered payday-by-payday modules, which weren’t compliant with the HMRC. This has also placed suggestion that Mr Mason will be taking a step back from the Payroll Sector with his views that there is “no future” within the payroll industry for Umbrella Companies. Paymaster has recently gone in to receivership, leaving contractors unpaid. The court hearing was initiated as the individuals who had not received monies owed were trying to obtain the payments due, as employees of the umbrella company (Paymaster Ltd.) from the government under s.182 of the Employment Right Act, which states that the Secretary of State (SoS) are to cover the arrears of money owed. Click Here to Read More Tel: 0800 622 6119 | Email: | Website: