As soon as the word ‘Payroll’ is mentioned, there appears to be a range of mixed emotions. Many people are discouraged by the continual workflow that runs hand-in-hand with paying any member of staff. With employees situations and HMRC legislations continually changing, such as new starters, leavers, retirement, sick pay, maternity pay, holiday pay, bank holidays, new Tax codes, Tax rebates, part time workers, full time workers and now pension auto enrolment, there is always something that needs altering or updating, adding another job to your ever growing work load. To top this off, there is also the dreaded ‘Financial Year End’ … Dealing with payroll within a business can take up time, which you could be using on maintaining and pushing your business to the next level. The ongoing workload for companies that deal with their payroll in-house or may not even have a payroll department/person can become a burden. Click here to read the article