We are thrilled to reveal that the results are in, votes for our Charity of the Year have been counted and we are pleased to announce that Help Alfie Beat Neuroblastoma is the official ePayMe Charity of the Year.
Each quarter, we will donate a portion of our profits to this superb cause. A shortlist of worthy causes were originally selected by our staff members before being put to a public vote on our website and social media channels.
The shortlist included many worthy causes close to the hearts of the ePayMe team such as, Hounds for Heroes, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, the RSPCA, Beat ED, The Guide Dog Association and The Children’s Trust. This year, it was Help Alfie Beat Neuroblastoma that received the most votes from the public and we are pleased that such a worthy cause will benefit from a share of ePayMe’s profits later this year.
Alfie is fourteen years of age and is currently fighting a childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. His grit and determination is truly inspiring, especially to his two younger siblings Bailey and Freddie. This is sadly the third time Alfie has fought the disease, all funds raised by the charity will go towards antibody therapy which is the next stage in his treatment. The treatment is not available on the NHS for relapse patients meaning every penny from donations really does count.
Shelley Wells, Team Leader speaking on behalf of Help Alfie Beat Neuroblastoma said of the Charity of the Year result “We are absolutely thrilled and overwhelmed to hear that Help Alfie has won the vote. It is truly humbling to know so many members of the general public took the time to vote for Alfie’s Campaign enabling us to win. Thank you ePayMe for selecting us for your shortlist, we are so grateful to have won. It is very much appreciated.”
Andrew Johnston at ePayMe says “Supporting worthy causes is something we at ePayMe are incredibly passionate about. All of the charities shortlisted by our team members are fantastic causes and we are very pleased to announce we will be donating a percentage of our profits to Help Alfie Beat Neuroblastoma. We hope the money will help Alfie and his supporters reach their target of £600,000 and ultimately help Alfie live a healthy cancer free life.”
To donate to Help Alfie Beat Neuroblastoma, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/HelpAlfiethechamp. To find out more about ePayMe and their Charity of the Year please visit https://www.epayme.co.uk/.